SGT F is now a team commander and is moving around a lot more, he says “things are going to get crazy around here… but I won’t forget where I came from either….”
“Uh, Sergeant, why is the room so dark?”.
“Hush Private, no talking! I all ready told you we were going to the movies. After the work we have done the last two weeks, it’s time to relax a little bit“.
“Are we going to see Chicken Little? Such a brave chicken.”
“No, we are not going to see Chicken Little; we are going to watch John Carter.”
“Is it a scary movie? You know I get scared easily.”
“No Private, it is not a scary movie; you’ll be fine”.
“Well, can we have popcorn or candy?”
“No Private, we can not have popcorn or candy. You will not have fancy reclining chairs or even a real theater. You will, however, enjoy the fact that occasionally we can go to the movies and kind of forget where we are for two hours (and enjoy the fact that they are fairly current releases).”
“Kind of like of when you put me in the closet Sergeant?”
“I told you Private to never discuss the closet. Now shut up and enjoy the movie…”