The Twisted Missive!
Issue #1
Yes, that’s right! A moment’s indiscretion in providing your email address some time in the distant past now results in this little missive hitting your email box! We hope you will give it a chance – read on!
In This Missive
Why a Twisted Missive? Why Now?
Why not?
OK, So What’s New?
Glad you asked! One of the new releases this month is our 2014 Petite Sirah, a variety that has been absent from our tasting menus for several months. Made from 100% Petite Sirah fruit from Tanner Vineyards, we think you’ll find it perfect to warm you up on a cold, rainy or snowy night. (And some Twisted Few members will find it in their next shipment!) Can Wine and Food Go Horribly Wrong? Recently I was cruising a favorite website* and stumbled into something called the “Incompatible Food Triad.” It goes like this:
It turns out that coming up with three foods that create an “IFT” is not at all obvious. One classic solution is salted cucumbers, sugar, and yogurt. Combine any two – sweet pickles, sweetened yogurt, tzatziki sauce – but mix all three? Yucko! Wine was not mentioned but – since wine is of course a food, and we do love to match wines with other foods – we think wine should be part of the discussion.
Can you think of an IFT that includes wine? Or do you think there is no such thing? Whatever you think, just reply to this email with your thoughts. I’ll compile some of the best responses for the next Twisted Missive, and we’ll also discuss it over in our new Facebook group – for discussion of all things Twisted – which you can find at – just click on the Join button and we’ll get you set up! And: I will choose one reply** at random to receive a $35 MasterCluck gift card. Just for fun! That should do it for now. Have fun and stay Twisted! – el jefe * The website is “Atlas Obscura“, and here’s the article. ** Even if you have no idea, you can still reply and enter. Your reward for reading all the way to the end! |